Q1: What is Ozone? A1: Ozone is active oxygen, O3. It occurs naturally in the earth's atmosphere to protect us from the sun's harmful rays. Q2: What are some uses of ozone? A2: Some common uses are: pool and spa water purification, drinking water purification, waste water purification, and air deodorization, disinfection, sterilizing and purification. Q3: How is the ozone used for water purification? A3: The amount of ozone produced by an ozone generator is insignificant to the normal atmosphere we live in. When dissolved in water, ozone is extremely safe. Excess ozone quickly converts back to oxygen. Q4: Is ozone the same as "SMOG"? A4: No! "Smog" is air pollutant created by combustion polluters. While smog contains small amounts of ozone, it is largely composed of harmful chemicals such as carbon monoxide. In fact, smog and other pollutants may cause the damage of the ozone layer. Q5: Will ozone hurt me? A5: No! In the quantities necessary to be effective, ozone is very gentle to humans and equipment in the water. But in the air, you should not breathe high concentrated ozone gas but if low density below 0.1ppm is all right. Q6: Does ozone have an odor? A6: Ozone has an odor just alike offensive smell of grasses. Q7: Will ozone kill bacteria? A7: Yes. It is one of the most effective, excellent bactericides of all measurable elements of earth. Q8: Will ozone kill viruses? A8: Yes. Ozone kills virtually all known forms of viruses in water and air. Q9: How is ozone different from chlorine? A9: In the quantities needed for water purification, it has no noticeable odor, taste or color. It is not irritating to humans or equipment. Ozone purifies water and air very quickly and efficiently, 3,000 times faster than chlorine. Ozone leaves no by-products except pure oxygen. In contrast, chlorine leaves a chemical by-product called hypochloric acid and additional salts in water applications. Q10: How is ozone produced? A10: Ozone can be produced by ultraviolet light or by corona discharge - the most common two methods. Q11: How does Corona Discharge Ozone Generation work? A11: Ozone is produced by passing air through a high voltage electrical discharge, or corona. A minimum of 5,000 volts of electricity is necessary to create the corona.